
“My brother-in-law, Dan, has been working with (a trainer) from The Wellness Pros and just loves his sessions! Dan was born with cerebral palsy and has limited mobility and is wheel-chair bound. Working with (the trainer) has allowed him to regain strength in his arms, legs and hands and Dan now enjoys more freedom because he is able to do more for himself, and able to assist the caregivers more. I would highly recommend using this company!!”

--Vicki Garringer

“My son loves the Strength class at Seguin! He has not had a regular fitness routine – ever! The trainer makes the exercises so much fun! I like that he is hardly ever out of breath, like he used to be, and sleeps much better. He likes flexing his new muscles!!”

--Mother of a Seguin Day Program Participant

“One of Seguin’s participants with cerebral palsy has benefited by additional (one-on-one) training. Now, for the first time in fifteen years, he is able to stand unaided for five minutes. This is a great step forward for this individual.”

--Seguin Corporate Campaign, Spring 2010 Newsletter

Contact us to learn more about our programs.
